How and Why to do soil test

The soil is a warehouse of all essential nutrients and appropriate soil testing is done to estimate the properties like texture, structure and biology for the usage of soil. The purpose of soil testing lab in Dubai is to examine the soil within and below a root zone. A single shovel-full of soil is adequate to reveal all information about the soil.

There are various layers of soil and the interrelationship between these layers is necessary since any of the layers shows degraded properties, plant performance is affected. The soil testing lab in Dubai evaluates the quality of soil and protects from degradation, thus acting as a savior from serious plant decline. The initial test for soil testing for any site is done at the chemical laboratories in Dubai.

Importance of soil testing

The chemical nature of the soil is solely the important phenomenon and various chemical laboratories in Dubai fulfill this criterion. The soil pH determines the plant growth and vigor to measure the acidic or alkaline character of the soil. The soil pH measured below 7 indicates the soil is acidic and above 7 indicates the soil is alkaline. The soil test indicates the missing elements from the soil and suggests the adequate amount to be added. Soil kits are also available for immediate analysis of soils pH and nutrient level. The nearby material testing labs test your soil for measuring pH and nutrients providing analysis report and suggested amendments specific to your region.
Steps for testing the pH of the soil

Step 1: Sample collection

Using a trowel, dig 4 to 6-inch deep hole from the area to be tested. The soil from the bottom of the hole is collected in a glass container. For testing soil from large area take several samples and blended together. Care is taken since the use of bare finger can influence the pH of the soil and change the test result.

Step 2: Sample mixing

The soil is scooped into the vial after drying and pulverizing it. The soil is introduced into the testing chamber after removing foreign materials like root or rock. The testing powder is added to the sample. The testing powder usually comes in a capsule. The sample along with the testing powder is introduced into the testing chamber up to a marked level.

Step 3: Add water

Using a plastic eyedropper fill the vial to the top line with distilled water. Distilled water fetches you an accurate result. Put the lid on the vial and shake it vigorously until a thorough mixture of water with sample and testing powder is formed.

Step 4: Compare the color

Allow the vial giving time for the soil to settle out. To determine the pH, the color of the water is compared with the color chart. With the difference in color, the pH of the soil is decided to be alkaline or acidic.

Some other soil tests in laboratory

Reputed material testing laboratories in Dubai carry out some handsome test to estimate the quality of the soil. Some of the analysis in the material testing lab includes:
Squeeze Test:  Squeeze test is done in the Material Testing laboratories in Dubai to identify the composition of the soil.

Percolation Test: Percolation test is done to determine the draining capacity of water into the soil.
Worm test: Earthworms are necessary for the good nature of the soil, this test determines the nature and amount of worm present in it.

Quality parameters determined through soil test

·         Compaction
·         Workability
·         Soil organisms
·         Plant residue
·         Plant vigor
·         Root development
·         Water infiltration
·         Water availability

Sustenance of vegetation depends on the quality of soil, do proper soil testing and rise an economically green surrounding.


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